
Fall 2021 Anime Episode 12
Shikizakura: where cherry blossoms are in full bloom while trees are colored with autumn leaves. In this special place, where the transient world meets the spirit world, a ritual to save humanity is about to begin… High school student Kakeru Miwa, by a strange turn of events, winds up being an irregular member of a power suit team tasked with battling Oni. These Oni possess humans and try to cling to the transient world. Only the power suit, Yoroi, which combines ancient secrets with the latest technology, can protect people from Oni. Kakeru decides to become a hero who will battle Oni and protect Ouka Myoujin, the shrine maiden fated…

Shikizakura: where cherry blossoms are in full bloom while trees are colored with autumn leaves. In this special place, where the transient world meets the spirit world, a ritual to save humanity is about to begin…
High school student Kakeru Miwa, by a strange turn of events, winds up being an irregular member of a power suit team tasked with battling Oni. These Oni possess humans and try to cling to the transient world. Only the power suit, Yoroi, which combines ancient secrets with the latest technology, can protect people from Oni. Kakeru decides to become a hero who will battle Oni and protect Ouka Myoujin, the shrine maiden fated with saving the world.
Shikizakura season. Ouka dances as a shrine maiden in autumn leaves and cherry blossoms. Heroic action—where the past and the future, the transient world and the spirit world, thoughts and wishes, all intersect—begins here!

Status: Ongoing
Genres: , ,

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