Meiji Gekken: 1874

Winter 2024 Anime Episode 10
Year 1874. Shizuma Orikasa, once a samurai of the Aizu Domain and now working as a rickshaw puller, embarks on a quest to locate his missing fiancée, Sumie Kanomata. However, an unexpected turn of events thrusts him into the ranks of the newly established police force, entangling him in the pursuit of a conspiracy aiming to topple the government. Simultaneously, the Moriya yakuza clan welcomes a guest, Kyoushirou Shuragami, a proficient swordsman. Within the clan, which is linked to the mastermind orchestrating the government overthrow, Kyoushirou strategically positions himself for personal gain. This sets the stage for the unfolding drama of destiny between Shizuma and Kyoushirou, where ironic encounters and…

Year 1874. Shizuma Orikasa, once a samurai of the Aizu Domain and now working as a rickshaw puller, embarks on a quest to locate his missing fiancée, Sumie Kanomata. However, an unexpected turn of events thrusts him into the ranks of the newly established police force, entangling him in the pursuit of a conspiracy aiming to topple the government.

Simultaneously, the Moriya yakuza clan welcomes a guest, Kyoushirou Shuragami, a proficient swordsman. Within the clan, which is linked to the mastermind orchestrating the government overthrow, Kyoushirou strategically positions himself for personal gain.

This sets the stage for the unfolding drama of destiny between Shizuma and Kyoushirou, where ironic encounters and separations await Shizuma in the course of his journey.

Status: Ongoing

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