Hyakushou Kizoku

Summer 2023 Anime Episode 13
Before becoming a manga artist, Hiromu Arakawa spent seven years working as a farmer in Hokkaido. Well acquainted with the many emotions that are part and parcel of agricultural work, she captures the harsh realities of Japanese dairy farming while also shedding light on this tough and powerful way of life in a series of sidesplitting episodes. Known for numerous works in which she celebrates the joys of life, in this essay-style comic Arakawa reveals her own roots and little-known truths about farming life.

Before becoming a manga artist, Hiromu Arakawa spent seven years working as a farmer in Hokkaido. Well acquainted with the many emotions that are part and parcel of agricultural work, she captures the harsh realities of Japanese dairy farming while also shedding light on this tough and powerful way of life in a series of sidesplitting episodes. Known for numerous works in which she celebrates the joys of life, in this essay-style comic Arakawa reveals her own roots and little-known truths about farming life.

Status: Ongoing

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