Detective Conan Movie 01: The Timed Skyscraper (Dub)

Special Episode 1
Taking the original story of Detective Conan, this first Conan film follows his adventures as he struggles to find and capture a mad bomber who's loose in his home town. Chasing bomb after bomb, Conan must stop him before he destroys a skyscraper in the middle of the city, which has the potential to cause millions of dollars in damage and kill hundreds. Who's planting the bombs? What are his motives? Gather clues with Conan and find out!

Taking the original story of Detective Conan, this first Conan film follows his adventures as he struggles to find and capture a mad bomber who’s loose in his home town. Chasing bomb after bomb, Conan must stop him before he destroys a skyscraper in the middle of the city, which has the potential to cause millions of dollars in damage and kill hundreds. Who’s planting the bombs? What are his motives? Gather clues with Conan and find out!

Status: Completed

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